Dawn of Crafting Wiki

Meal Preparation is one of the ways to create food for the Player and his/her Minion. These are the Recipes for Meal Preparation, listed in the order in which they appear in the Recipe Book.

Meal Preparation Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3 Tool Skill Energy Burn
PeeledBanana Peeled Banana Banana Banana Hand Hand 0 3
PeeledOrange Peeled Orange Orange Orange Hand Hand 0 3
WalnutKernel Walnut Kernel Walnut Walnut Stone Stone 0 4
SlicedBanana Sliced Banana PeeledBanana Peeled Banana SharpStone Sharp Stone 0 8
PeanutKernel Peanut Kernel Peanut Peanut Hand Hand 5 3
OpenedCoconut Opened Coconut x2 Coconut Coconut Stone Stone 10 2 1
RawCoconut Raw Coconut OpenedCoconut Opened Coconut SharpStone Sharp Stone 15 8
MixedBerries Mixed Berries BlueBerry Blue Berry RedBerry Red Berry Hand Hand 15 5
ChestnutKernel Chestnut Kernel Chestnut Chestnut Stone Stone 15 4
BlueBerryMash Blue Berry Mash BlueBerry Blue Berry x2 CoconutShell Coconut Shell Stone Stone 15 8
RedBerryMash Red Berry Mash RedBerry Red Berry x2 CoconutShell Coconut Shell Stone Stone 15 8
MixedBerryMash Mixed Berry Mash MixedBerries Mixed Berries x2 CoconutShell Coconut Shell Stone Stone 20 15
BananaMash Banana Mash PeeledBanana Peeled Banana x2 CoconutShell Coconut Shell Stone Stone 25 12
SlicedOrange Sliced Orange Orange Orange SharpStone Sharp Stone 25 6
SlicedTomato Sliced Tomato Tomato Tomato SharpStone Sharp Stone 30 8
SlicedCarrot Sliced Carrot Carrot Carrot SharpStone Sharp Stone 30 8
CutLettuce Cut Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce SharpStone Sharp Stone 30 7
PotFullOfWater Pot Full Of Water CookingPot Cooking Pot WaterBowl Water Bowl x3 Hand Hand 30
SlicedEggplant Sliced Eggplant Eggplant Eggplant SharpStone Sharp Stone 35 9
SlicedPotato Sliced Potato Potato Potato SharpStone Sharp Stone 35 10
CarrotSalad Carrot Salad SlicedCarrot Sliced Carrot CutLettuce Cut Lettuce CoconutShell Coconut Shell Hand Hand 35 20
TomatoSalad Tomato Salad SlicedTomato Sliced Tomato CutLettuce Cut Lettuce CoconutShell Coconut Shell Hand Hand 35 20
WalnutSalad Walnut Salad WalnutKernel Walnut Kernel CutLettuce Cut Lettuce CoconutShell Coconut Shell Hand Hand 40 16
MashedPotatoes Mashed Potatoes Potato Potato x2 CoconutShell Coconut Shell Stone Stone 4 16
MashedRoot Mashed Root Root Root x2 CoconutShell Coconut Shell Stone Stone 40 8
BoneMarrow Bone Marrow Bone Bone StoneAxe Stone Axe 45 7
SlicedApple Sliced Apple Apple Apple PrimitiveKnife Primitive Knife 50 10
OrangeJuice Orange Juice PeeledOrange Peeled Orange x2 CoconutShell Coconut Shell Stone Stone 55 12
SlicedMushroom Sliced Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom PrimitiveKnife Primitive Knife 55 12
RawKebab Raw Kebab PeeledStick Peeled Stick SlicedTomato Sliced Tomato RedMeat Red Meat Hand Hand 60 27